Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday Made It!

Okay, so in the heat the other day I accomplished my yard work!  Yahoo!  That is one accomplishment for me (cheers in the background from my husband).  My Danika swam without swimmies yesterday.  That was one big accomplishment for her!  We all cheered for that and took the kiddos out for ice-cream afterwords.

Now on to the school stuff.  I have been thinking a lot of beginning of the year activities for my new kiddos.  Although it is only the beginning of July, I would like to get a little done for school each week.  For my "Monday Made It", I created a survey for the loves that I will give out the first day.  I usually write a letter and would contain the survey in my letter for the kids, BUT... we don't get our class lists until the week before school starts! UGGHH!  So, I was thinking of assigning it for H.W. on the first night.  I know, I know, MEAN TEACHER.  Anyway, here it is!  I hope you like it.  Please feel free to take and change however you like.  Please let me know what you think too!  Thanks!

You can get the three page survey for free here:  All About Me Survey

Hope you enjoy!!  

Saturday, July 6, 2013


Well, this is my first attempt at blogging.  I really hope that I keep up with it and it is at least half as good as the other blogs I have seen that inspired me to do this.

About Me:
I am a 37 year old (YIKES! That sounds old when I actually put it out there) mother of three lovely-yet-sometimes-making-me-pull-my-hair-out children.  Alexandra "Alex" is 11 and starting to get the tude of a teenager.  Ashton is 9 and my extremely bright, yet bonker, boy.  Danika is 3 and my little performer.

This is Alex with my Mom.  My Mom is the very best person I know-an angel walking on Earth.

Here is Ashton with my Dad.  They are so much alike, it is a little scary! is Danika, my little performer, at her first recital this past June.

I have been teaching fourth grade for 4 years (this September it will be 5).   Before that, I taught 3rd grade for 5 years.  So, that's enough about it for me now.  It's a beautiful day.  I am going to get busy on some house and yard work.  My plan is to start reading "The Essential 55".  Has anyone read it before?  What did you think?